
Square Root of 4300

Accepted Solution

Solution: The square root of 4300 is 65.574 Methods What is the Square Root of 4300? The definition of the square root of a number is the value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number. For example, the square root of 25 is equal to 5, because 5 x 5 = 25. Expressed in a radical form: √25 = 5. Therefore, solving for the Square Root of 4300, we find that the square root of 4300 is 65.574 . Always remember: your answer can be either a whole number or a decimal. Is the Square Root of 4300 irrational? Numbers can be categorized into subsets called rational and irrational numbers. An example of irrational numbers are decimals that have no end or are non-terminating. A common confusion is that because a decimal has no end it is a large number that tends to infinity, whereas that isn’t true. Take a look at the exponential constant e, e has a value of 2.7182818… and is non-terminating but not a huge value because at the end of the day e will never be greater than 3. On the other hand, rational numbers are decimals that can be written as fractions that divide two integers (as long as the denominator is not 0). Thus, for this problem, since the square root of 4300, or 65.574, is a non-terminating decimal, so the square root of 4300 is irrational. Methods to find the Square Root of 4300 To begin, there are two ways to calculate the Square Root of a number: Prime Factorization and Long Division. Usually, Prime Factorization is used for perfect squares and the long division is used when the value of the square root is a decimal. Since we know that 4300 is decimal, we know that the appropriate method would be long division. This method works very similar to regular long division except in this method, there are some more rules that help us arrive at the answer. Take a look at this example that walks through in detail about what this method is, how to use it, and provides several solved examples. Therefore, the result after using the long division method is 65.574. Find The Square Root of Other Numbers Finding the square root of any number can be done using the same method as shown above. Take a look how to find the square root of these other specific examples, by clicking on the any of the links below: Square Root of 2433 Square Root of 3692 Square Root of 2081 Square Root of 3823 Square Root of 714